The greatest little Fantasy Football team ever to be named after a Beatles song.
FFFL News: The golden boy Tom Brady suffered a season ending knee injury, leaving the Powder Puffs owner Chess Ward to wonder if some of the Peon Gorillas infamous bad luck has moved to Las Cruces... Thunderbolts owner Tony Fox continues the Bolt Dynasty with this
week's top scoring RB and 2nd best QB, while scoring the most points in the first week with 169. And to pour salt on our collective wound, he has recently picked up from waivers this week's top TE and yes the "defender of the week" (inside joke) Arizona Cardinals defense.
Silver Nuggets: Chad Johnson's legal name change to Chad Ocho Cinco has caused a disturbance in the Hammers locker room as fellow Silver Hammers Antonio Gates and Greg Jennings each expressed interest to follow suit and name themselves after their jersey number. Both changed their mind when they realized they would share the same surname as the former Johnson. No news yet whether Romo has decided to
change his name to "El Super Nueve"... Ricky Williams was asked how it feels to start in the FFFL again and was quoted as saying "Dude, sweet!"... Halftime entertainment at the Hammers opening game was a surprise guest of Williams, none other
than Dave Matthews. When asked how it felt to perform in front of a fantasy football crowd, Matthews was quoted as saying "Dude, sweet!"
His charm is so obnoxious, it's bottled and sold as repellent.
Years ago, he built a city out of blocks. Today, two hamsters and a gerbil live there.
He is the only man to ever flunk the Rorschach test.
Every time he goes for a swim, lifeguards appear.
Alien abductors have no interest whatsoever in probing him.
If he were to give you directions, you'd get lost and arrive two hours late.
His legend precedes him, the way a fart precedes the smell.
He is... the least interesting man in the world.
"I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Milwaukee's Beast, uh-er Best. Stay thirsty, my friends." - Byrd
Fans greet the Silver Hammers arriving home at Bucksnort International Airport to celebrate a remarkable season (...or was this from the Patrick Dempsey appearance at Bucksnort's Annual Deer Jerky Festival?)