Silver Nuggets: Amid fears of increasing speculation that Tom Brady is actually a robot created
in Dexter's Lab, Brady's handlers tuned down his performance settings to make him appear more human (14 completions, 140 yards, 0 TD, 1 Int). While the ploy appeared to have worked with the public in general, this reporter is not fooled. Robo-Brady still led the Pats to another win, staying on
track for a perfect season... Frosty the Snowman made a brief appearance in Bucksnort late last week, but quickly left for Canada after seeing an Al Gore speech on TV warning people about global warming. However, Sam The Snowman stated in a MSH exclusive that the Gore story is "a buncha hooey". "Frosty's not scared of global warming. He's scared of those bogus outstanding warrants for stealing that
magician's hat." Sam, who was sporting a Free Frosty t-shirt, went on to say, "Frosty's getting a bad rap. It was those hooligan kids who took the hat."... Initial reports that commercials being produced for the FFFL Bowl were ranging in price from $1 to $2 million are being retracted. It seems that the teletype for the newswire got stuck at just the right time and added 6 unnecessary zeros to the figures. Since the FFFL Bowl is only being shown on local cable access television in Aurora, Illinois, a further mystery has arisen over who is behind the $2 commercials. A spokesman at Right Knidder news group said the story was submitted by Campbell & Algar's Party-On Advertising, but a search for the business has only led to a middle-class Aurora residence.