Finishing the 2007 FFFL season on a downhill slide, the Silver Hammers lose their final playoff game 127-139 to the Las Cruces Powder Puffs to finish fourth in the standings behind the Puffs (3rd), Curley Wolves (2nd), and this year's FFFL Champion Texas Thunderbolts. While the season finale was a disappointment, MSH owner Erick Byrd said, "The season as a whole was a delightful surprise. My only aspirations going in were to be competitive, so I'm more than happy with the outcome. Although the champion's trophy would have been nice. Congratulations Tony, you deserve it." When asked if having the previous experience in 2006 of being a co-owner was helpful, Byrd said, "Heck yeah man! I'm grateful to Jim and the Peon Gorillas for getting my foot in the door and to Tony for allowing me the opportunity to field my own team this year. You could say that was like being a 'red-shirt freshman'. I had the benefit of learning from other owners for a year, which gave me a big advantage this year over the 'true freshmen', Wayne and Johnny.

But next year should be even more challenging since there won't be any rookie owners. We won't be able to use an excuse of being a newbie and I'm sure that I'll be difficult to match the beginners luck I had in 2007." Predictions for next year? "We'll go all the way in 2008! And the football team won't be bad either." (nudge-nudge wink-wink, say no more)
Silver Nuggets: The Silver Hammers Blog was interrupted last week when reporters covering the final playoff game were run over by Jolly Old Saint Nick in a freak traffic

accident. According to inside sources, Santa had an egg nog to blood ratio of .20, twice the legal limit for reindeer-powered sleighs. But Kris Kringle was released from incarceration on good behavior just in time for Christmas.
(Actually, I was either preparing for or on my Christmas vacation in Florida and Alabama the last 2 weeks without the free time or a decent Internet connection to provide the update. My apologies for
the delay.) ...Due to the lackluster December performances of Hammers QB Tony Romo and the suspected influence of Jessica Simpson on that performance, the team has forbid him to date any more singers, actresses, models, cheerleaders, heiresses, famous personalities, women with blonde hair (natural or died), women named Jessica, Britney, or Carrie, anyone wearing a pink football jersey, or any woman otherwise hot enough to get more TV coverage than the average fan. The team has provided the following composite of the ideal date for Tony with the intention that this type of female should keep his attentions solely to football.
More News Of The Weird: The recent Silver Hammers Blog Survey results are in and to the astonishment of the blog staff, an overwhelming majority of FFFL owners, as well as friends of MSH owner Erick Byrd, have indicated their continued support for this Blog to continue during the 2008 FFFL season. I'm not sure how many of you were sober and/or were mentally stable when taking the poll, but I cannot argue with the numbers. So, I am happy to announce that the Silver Hammers Blog will return in 2008, with the next update to be posted sometime before the next draft. Have a great off-season!!
Even More News Of The Weird: The aforementioned survey also indicated that some of you had an interest in a general musings blog, something like a late 30's Dave Barry humorous view of fatherhood with sprinkles of music trivia and political opinions mixed in. That is planned for sometime in the off-season and more information will be distributed as the blog develops. What can I say, you're all just gluttons for punishment.

Fans greet the Silver Hammers arriving home at Bucksnort International Airport to celebrate a remarkable season (...or was this from the Patrick Dempsey appearance at Bucksnort's Annual Deer Jerky Festival?)